4 bed rooms villa sale in pala. This property is 2 km away from pala town.All four bedrooms attached with toilet and dressing room. In ground floor situated with two bedrooms, sitout, drawing room, family living, modern kitchen with work …
tIm-X-aw-K-e-¯pw B-ep-h-bnepw hnñ-IÄ \nÀ-½n¡m³ A-\p-tbm-Pyam-b t¹m-«p-IÄ hnð-¸-\-bv-¡v.
sSm-tbm-« C-tóm-h Uo-kð Pn4 hnð-¸-\-bv¡v. Iq-Sp-Xð hn-h-c-§Ä-¡v : 09447219903
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